""" Make a bandstructure plot using the Harris functional. """ import sys from Dacapo import Dacapo from ASE import Atom,ListOfAtoms from ASE.Utilities.List import List import Numeric as num import os bulk = ListOfAtoms([Atom('Cu', (0, 0, 0))] ) a0_fcc = 3.61 b = a0_fcc/2. bulk.SetUnitCell([(0, b, b), (b, 0, b), (b, b, 0)]) calc = Dacapo() calc.SetBZKPoints((10,10,10)) # set the k-points Monkhorst-Pack calc.SetPlaneWaveCutoff(340) # planewavecutoff in eV calc.SetDensityCutoff(400) calc.SetNumberOfBands(8) # set the number of electronic bands calc.SetSymmetryOn() # use symmetry to reduce the k-point set calc.SetNetCDFFile('') calc.SetTxtFile('make_density_converge.text') bulk.SetCalculator(calc) calc.StayAliveOff() energy = calc.GetPotentialEnergy() fermilevel = calc.GetFermiLevel() # setup the Harris calculation # setup the line from the Gamme point (0,0,0) to the X point (0.5,0.5,0) N = 80 Nf = float(N) kpts = [(x/Nf,x/Nf,0) for x in range(N/2)] harris = Dacapo() harris.SetBZKPoints(kpts) # set the k-points along one direction harris.SetPlaneWaveCutoff(340) # planewavecutoff in eV harris.SetNumberOfBands(6) # set the number of electronic bands harris.SetSymmetryOn() # use symmetry to reduce the k-point set harris.SetNetCDFFile('') harris.SetTxtFile('calc_eigenvalues.text') bulk.SetCalculator(harris) harris.StayAliveOff() harris.SetChargeMixing(False) # set the density found using the uniform k-point sampling harris.SetDensityArray(calc.GetDensityArray()) energy1 = harris.GetPotentialEnergy() kpoints = harris.GetIBZKPoints() eigenvalues = [harris.GetEigenvalues(kpt=kpt) for kpt in range(len(kpoints))] # using the fermilevel from uniform k-point sampling print fermilevel print kpoints print eigenvalues
""" Make a bandstructure plot using the Harris functional. """ import sys from Dacapo import Dacapo from ASE import Atom,ListOfAtoms from ASE.Utilities.List import List import Numeric as num import os bulk = Dacapo.ReadAtoms('') calc = bulk.GetCalculator() energy = calc.GetPotentialEnergy() fermilevel = calc.GetFermiLevel() # setup the Harris calculation # setup the line from the Gamme point (0,0,0) to the X point (0.5,0.5,0) N = 80 Nf = float(N) kpts = [(x/Nf,x/Nf,0) for x in range(N/2)] harris = Dacapo() harris.SetBZKPoints(kpts) # set the k-points along one direction harris.SetPlaneWaveCutoff(340) # planewavecutoff in eV harris.SetNumberOfBands(6) # set the number of electronic bands harris.SetSymmetryOn() # use symmetry to reduce the k-point set harris.SetNetCDFFile('') harris.SetTxtFile('calc_eigenvalues_only.text') bulk.SetCalculator(harris) harris.StayAliveOff() harris.SetChargeMixing(False) # set the density found using the uniform k-point sampling harris.SetDensityArray(calc.GetDensityArray()) energy1 = harris.GetPotentialEnergy() kpoints = harris.GetIBZKPoints() eigenvalues = [harris.GetEigenvalues(kpt=kpt) for kpt in range(len(kpoints))] # using the fermilevel from uniform k-point sampling print fermilevel print kpoints print eigenvalues
# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*- # 日本語でコメントを書くために上の行が必要 from math import sqrt # sqrt(x)で√xが計算できる ################################################## ncfile = "" # このファイルは上書きされてしまうので # 必ずコピーを取っておくこと M = 10 Mf = float(M) wk1 = [(2*n/(3*Mf),n/(3*Mf),0) for n in range(M)] from Dacapo import Dacapo s2 = Dacapo.ReadAtoms(ncfile) c2 = s2.GetCalculator() c2.SetBZKPoints(wk1) ### Band計算に必要 # c2.SetNetCDFFile("") c2.SetTxtFile("b2.text") c2.StayAliveOff() ### Band計算に必要 c2.SetChargeMixing(False) ### Band計算に必要 c2.Calculate() ### Band計算に必要
seminar/cu_bulk.txt · 最終更新: 2022/08/23 13:34 by