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Class methods for calculation condition

Charge mixing method

set_charge_mixing(self, method='Pulay', mixinghistory=10, mixingcoeff=0.1, precondition='No', updatecharge='Yes')

get_charge_mixing return charge mixing parameters

set_charge_mixing set density mixing method and parameters


method string 'Pulay' for Pulay mixing. only one supported now
mixinghistory integer number of iterations to mix [1]
mixingcoeff float Mixing coefficient for Pulay charge mixing [2]
precondition string 'Yes' or 'No' [3]
updatecharge string 'Yes' or 'No' [4]

mixinghistory [1]

Number of charge residual vectors stored for generating the Pulay estimate on the self-consistent charge density, see Sec. 4.2 in Kresse/Furthmuller: Comp. Mat. Sci. 6 (1996) p34ff.))

mixingcoeff [2]

Mixing coefficient for Pulay charge mixing, corresponding to $A$ in $G^1$ in Sec. 4.2 in Kresse/Furthmuller: Comp. Mat. Sci. 6 (1996) p34ff

precondition [3]

  • “Yes” : Kerker preconditiong is used, i.e. $q_0$ is different from zero, see eq. 82 in Kresse/Furthmuller: Comp. Mat. Sci. 6 (1996). The value of $q_0$ is fix to give a damping of 20

of the lowest $q$ vector.

  • “No” : $q_0$ is zero and mixing is linear (default).

updatecharge [4]

  • “Yes” : Perform charge mixing according to ChargeMixing:Method setting
  • “No” : Freeze charge to initial value. This setting is useful when evaluating the Harris-Foulkes

density functional


set_convergence(self, energy=1e-05, density=0.0001, occupation=0.001, maxsteps=None, maxtime=None)

get_convergence return convergence settings for Dacapo

set_convergence set convergence criteria for stopping the dacapo calculator.


energy float set total energy change (eV) required for stopping
density float set density change required for stopping
occupation float set occupation change required for stopping
maxsteps integer specify maximum number of steps to take
maxtime integer specify maximum number of hours to run.

Autopilot not supported here.

ase/jacapo/cond.1558513894.txt.gz · 最終更新: 2022/08/23 13:34 (外部編集)

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