set_pw(self, pw)
set the planewave cutoff.
pw | integer | the planewave cutoff in eV |
this function checks to make sure the density wave cutoff is greater than or equal to the planewave cutoff.
set_dw(self, dw)
set the density wave cutoff energy.
dw | integer | the density wave cutoff |
The function checks to make sure it is not less than the planewave cutoff.
Density_WaveCutoff, $E_{cut}$, describes the kinetic energy necessary to represent a wavefunction associated with the total density, i.e. $\vec{G}$-vectors for which $|\vec{G}|^2<4E_{cut}$ will be used to describe the total density (including augmentation charge and partial core density). If Density_WaveCutoff is equal to PlaneWaveCutoff this implies that the total density is as soft as the wavefunctions described by the kinetic energy cutoff PlaneWaveCutoff. If a value of Density_WaveCutoff is specified (must be larger than or equal to PlaneWaveCutoff) the program will run using two grids, one for representing the wavefunction density (softgrid_dim) and one representing the total density (hardgrid_dim). If the density can be reprensented on the same grid as the wavefunction density Density_WaveCutoff can be chosen equal to PlaneWaveCutoff (default).
return the planewave cutoff used
print jacapo.get_pw()
return the density wave cutoff