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Sample 1

#!/usr/bin/env python
from ase import Atom, Atoms
from ase.calculators.jacapo import Jacapo
co = Atoms([Atom('C',[0,0,0]),Atom('O',[1.2,0,0])],cell=(6.,6.,6.),pbc=True)
calc = Jacapo('',nbands=6,pw=350,ft=0.01,atoms=co)   
print co.get_potential_energy()
print co.get_forces()

Sample 2

#!/usr/bin/env python
from ase.calculators.jacapo import *
atoms = Jacapo.read_atoms('')
print atoms.get_potential_energy()

Sample 3

#!/usr/bin/env python
from ase import Atom, Atoms
from ase.calculators.jacapo import Jacapo
calc = Jacapo('')
ef = calc.get_ef() #get Fermi level
#it is common to normalize the energies so E_f is 0 eV
eigs = calc.get_eigenvalues()
occs  = calc.get_occupation_numbers()
print 'Eigenvalues = ',eigs 
print 'Occupancies = ',occs
#let's find the homo and lumo
occupied_state_energies = eigs[occs > 0.0]
unoccupied_state_energies = eigs[occs == 0.0]
homo = occupied_state_energies[-1]
lumo = unoccupied_state_energies[0]
print 'homo energy = %1.3f eV' % homo
print 'lumo energy = %1.3f eV' % lumo
#the fermi level is approximately half way between the homo and lumo
print 'E_f = %1.3f eV' % ef
print 'average homo/lumo = %1.3f eV' % ((homo+lumo)/2.)
print 'eigs', 'occs'
for i in range(len(eigs)):
  print eigs[i], occs[i]

Sample 4

#!/usr/bin/env python
from ase.dft.dos import *
from ase.calculators.jacapo import *
calc = Jacapo('')
dos = DOS(calc)
x = dos.get_energies()
y = dos.get_dos()
print 'Energy', 'DOS'
for i in range(len(x)):
  print x[i], y[i]

Sample 5

#!/usr/bin/env python
from ase.calculators.jacapo import *
calc = Jacapo('')
x,y,z,cd = calc.get_charge_density()

Sample 6

#!/usr/bin/env python
from ase.calculators.jacapo import *
calc = Jacapo('')
x,y,z,wf = calc.get_wave_function(band=5)

Sample 7

#!/usr/bin/env python
from ase import *
from import molecules
from ase.calculators.jacapo import *
### Setup calculators
benzene = Atoms('C6H6',positions =['C6H6']['positions'],cell=[10,10,10],pbc=True)
b1 = Jacapo('',nbands=18,pw=350,ft=0.01,atoms=benzene)  
chlorobenzene = Atoms('C6H6',positions =['C6H6']['positions'],cell=[10,10,10],pbc=True)
c1 = Jacapo('',nbands=18,pw=350,ft=0.01,atoms=chlorobenzene)   
x1,y1,z1,cd1 = b1.get_charge_density()
x2,y2,z2,cd2 = c1.get_charge_density()
cdiff = cd2 - cd1
print cdiff.min(),cdiff.max()

Sample 8

#!/usr/bin/env python
from ase import *
from ase.calculators.jacapo import *
for d in [1.05, 1.1, 1.15, 1.2, 1.25]: #possible bond lengths
    co = Atoms([Atom('C',[0,0,0]),Atom('O',[d,0,0])],cell=(6,6,6),pbc=True)
    calc = Jacapo('' % d, pw=350, ft=0.01, atoms=co)
    print 'd = %1.2f ang' % d
    print 'energy = %f eV' % co.get_potential_energy()
    print 'forces = (eV/ang)\n', co.get_forces()
    print '' #blank line
    calc.strip() #removes large variables we don't need now.

Sample 9

#!/usr/bin/env python
from ase import *
from ase.calculators.jacapo import *
bondlengths = [1.05, 1.1, 1.15, 1.2, 1.25]
fnames = ['' % d for d in bondlengths]
atoms = [Jacapo.read_atoms(f) for f in fnames]
energies = [a.get_potential_energy() for a in atoms]
for i in range(len(bondlengths)):
  print bondlengths[i], energies[i]

Sample 10

#!/usr/bin/env python
from ase import *
from ase.calculators.jacapo import *
import numpy as np
co = Atoms([Atom('C',[0,0,0]),Atom('O',[1.2,0,0])],cell=(6,6,6),pbc=True)
calc = Jacapo('',pw=350,ft=0.01,atoms=co)  
qn = QuasiNewton(co, trajectory='sample10.traj')
pos = co.get_positions()
d = ((pos[0] - pos[1])**2).sum()**0.5
print 'Bondlength = %1.2f angstroms' % d
print co.get_forces()
ab_initio/jacapo_tutorial/lesson0.1558538647.txt.gz · 最終更新: 2022/08/23 13:34 (外部編集)

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