ここでは、卒業研究をするために私のゼミに配属された4年次生が最初に輪講するA.Großの教科書1) を例にとって、英文解釈のやり方を説明します。
A. Groß, Theoretical Surface Science -- A Microscopic Perspective --, Springer-Verlag (2002) Berlin.
Any theoretical description has to start with the definition of the system under consideration and a determination of the fundamental interactions present in the system.
All physical and chemical properties of any system can be derived from its Hamiltonian.
Since we are concerned with microscopic particles like electrons and atoms in surface science, the proper description is given by the laws of quantum mechanics.
This requires the solution of the Schrödinger equation.
In this chapter we will first describe the Hamiltonian entering the Schrödinger equation appropriate for surface science problems.
One general approximation that makes the solution of the full Schrödinger equation tractable is the decoupling of the electronic and nuclear motion which is called the Born Oppenheimer or adiabatic approximation.
We will then have a closer look at the specific form of the Hamiltonian describing surfaces.
We will discuss the symmetries present at surfaces.
Taking advantage of symmetries can greatly reduce the computational cost in theoretical treatments.
Finally, we will introduce and illustrate the nomenclature to describe the structure to describe the structure of surfaces.
いわゆる「理系」に進学しようと思っている受験生の中には英語が苦手な人も多いでしょう。かく言う私もそうでした。大学に行ってから、いったいどこで、どんな風に英語が必要になるのか。学校で習うあの不可思議な英文法なるものには意味があるのか。様々な疑問があると思います。 このコンテンツが、そんな疑問の回答になれば幸いです。もう少し詳しいのは「英語について爺の戯言」に。