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info:dacapo [2018/04/28 15:58] kimiinfo:dacapo [2022/08/23 13:34] (現在) – 外部編集
行 3: 行 3:
 [[ase:Jacapo]] [[ase:Jacapo]]
 ===== functions ===== ===== functions =====
行 22: 行 22:
 ==== Constractor ==== ==== Constractor ====
 +==== Jacapo ====
 <code python> <code python>
 __init__(self, nc='', outnc=None, debug=30, stay_alive=False, **kwargs) __init__(self, nc='', outnc=None, debug=30, stay_alive=False, **kwargs)
行 44: 行 45:
 |''xc''|//string//|set the exchange-correlation functional. one of ['PZ','VWN','PW91','PBE','RPBE','revPBE'],| |''xc''|//string//|set the exchange-correlation functional. one of ['PZ','VWN','PW91','PBE','RPBE','revPBE'],|
 |''dipole''|//boolean//|turn the dipole correction on (True) or off (False)| |''dipole''|//boolean//|turn the dipole correction on (True) or off (False)|
- |//dictionary//| dictionary of parameters to fine-tune behavior\\ <code python>+::: |//dictionary//| dictionary of parameters to fine-tune behavior\\ <code python>
   {'status':False,   {'status':False,
    'mixpar':0.2,    'mixpar':0.2,
行 51: 行 52:
    'position':None}</code>|    'position':None}</code>|
 |''nbands''|//integer//|set the number of bands  | |''nbands''|//integer//|set the number of bands  |
-|''symmetry''|//Boolean//Turn symmetry reduction on (True) or off (False) | +|''symmetry''|//Boolean//|Turn symmetry reduction on (True) or off (False) | 
-  +|''stress''|//Boolean//|Turn stress calculation on (True) or off (False)| 
-  stress Boolean +|''debug''| |level for logging could be something like logging.DEBUG or an integer 0-50. The higher the integer, the less information you see set debug level (0 = off, 10 = extreme)|
-    Turn stress calculation on (True) or off (False) +
-  +
-  debug level for logging +
-    could be something like +
-    logging.DEBUG or an integer 0-50. The higher the integer, +
-    the less information you see set debug level (0 = off, 10 = +
-    extreme)+
-Methods defined here: 
 Initialize the Jacapo calculator Initialize the Jacapo calculator
 Modification of the nc file only occurs at calculate time if needed Modification of the nc file only occurs at calculate time if needed
- +<code python> 
 >>> calc = Jacapo('') >>> calc = Jacapo('')
- +</code> 
 reads the calculator from if it exists or reads the calculator from if it exists or
 minimally initializes with dimensions if it does not exist.  minimally initializes with dimensions if it does not exist. 
- +<code python> 
 >>> calc = Jacapo('', pw=300) >>> calc = Jacapo('', pw=300)
- +</code> 
 reads the calculator from or initializes it if reads the calculator from or initializes it if
 it does not exist and changes the planewave cutoff energy to it does not exist and changes the planewave cutoff energy to
 300eV 300eV
- +<code python> 
  >>> atoms = Jacapo.read_atoms('')  >>> atoms = Jacapo.read_atoms('')
- +</code> 
 returns the atoms in the netcdffile, with the calculator returns the atoms in the netcdffile, with the calculator
 attached to it. attached to it.
- +<code python> 
 >>> atoms, calc = read('') >>> atoms, calc = read('')
 +==== __str__ ====
 __str__(self) __str__(self)
 pretty-print the calculator and atoms. pretty-print the calculator and atoms.
行 94: 行 84:
 we read everything directly from the ncfile to prevent we read everything directly from the ncfile to prevent
 triggering any calculations triggering any calculations
 +==== atoms_are_equal ====
 atoms_are_equal(self, atoms) atoms_are_equal(self, atoms)
 comparison of atoms to self.atoms using tolerances to account comparison of atoms to self.atoms using tolerances to account
 for float/double differences and float math. for float/double differences and float math.
 +==== attach_child ====
 attach_child(self, child) attach_child(self, child)
 +==== calculate ====
 calculate(self) calculate(self)
 run a calculation. run a calculation.
行 105: 行 103:
 required. It is assumed here that if you call this, you mean required. It is assumed here that if you call this, you mean
 it. it.
 +==== calculation_required ====
 calculation_required(self, atoms=None, quantities=None) calculation_required(self, atoms=None, quantities=None)
 determines if a calculation is needed. determines if a calculation is needed.
行 112: 行 112:
 quantities is here because of the ase interface. quantities is here because of the ase interface.
 +==== delete_ncattdimvar ----
 delete_ncattdimvar(self, ncf, ncattrs=None, ncdims=None, ncvars=None) delete_ncattdimvar(self, ncf, ncattrs=None, ncdims=None, ncvars=None)
 helper function to delete attributes, helper function to delete attributes,
行 123: 行 124:
 if you delete a dimension, all variables with that dimension if you delete a dimension, all variables with that dimension
 are also deleted. are also deleted.
 +==== execute_external_dynamics ====
 execute_external_dynamics(self, nc=None, txt=None, stoppfile='stop', stopprogram=None) execute_external_dynamics(self, nc=None, txt=None, stoppfile='stop', stopprogram=None)
 Implementation of the stay alive functionality with socket Implementation of the stay alive functionality with socket
行 129: 行 131:
 from the same python process, since the python PID is used as from the same python process, since the python PID is used as
 identifier for the script[PID].py file. identifier for the script[PID].py file.
 +==== execute_parent_calculation ====
 execute_parent_calculation(self) execute_parent_calculation(self)
 Implementation of an extra level of parallelization, where one jacapo calculator spawns several Implementation of an extra level of parallelization, where one jacapo calculator spawns several processes. This is used for NEBs parallelized over images. processes. This is used for NEBs parallelized over images.
 +==== get_ados ====
 +<code python>
 get_ados(self, **kwargs) get_ados(self, **kwargs)
 attempt at maintaining backward compatibility with get_ados attempt at maintaining backward compatibility with get_ados
 returning data returning data
行 139: 行 145:
 and calc.get_ados(atoms=[],...) should return data and calc.get_ados(atoms=[],...) should return data
 +==== get_ados_data ====
 get_ados_data(self, atoms, orbitals, cutoff, spin) get_ados_data(self, atoms, orbitals, cutoff, spin)
 get atom projected data get atom projected data
行 163: 行 173:
 returns (egrid, ados) returns (egrid, ados)
 egrid has the fermi level at 0 eV egrid has the fermi level at 0 eV
 +==== get_all_eigenvalues ====
 get_all_eigenvalues(self, spin=0) get_all_eigenvalues(self, spin=0)
 return all the eigenvalues at all the kpoints for a spin. return all the eigenvalues at all the kpoints for a spin.
行 170: 行 181:
   spin : integer   spin : integer
     which spin the eigenvalues are for     which spin the eigenvalues are for
 +==== get_ascii_debug ====
 get_ascii_debug(self) get_ascii_debug(self)
 Return the debug settings in Dacapo Return the debug settings in Dacapo
 +==== get_atoms ====
 get_atoms(self) get_atoms(self)
 return the atoms attached to a calculator() return the atoms attached to a calculator()
 +==== get_bz_k_points ====
 get_bz_k_points(self) get_bz_k_points(self)
 return list of kpoints in the Brillouin zone return list of kpoints in the Brillouin zone
 +==== get_calculate_stress ====
 get_calculate_stress(self) get_calculate_stress(self)
 return whether stress is calculated or not return whether stress is calculated or not
 +==== get_cd ====
 get_cd = get_charge_density(self, spin=0) get_cd = get_charge_density(self, spin=0)
 +==== get_charge_density ====
 get_charge_density(self, spin=0) get_charge_density(self, spin=0)
 return x,y,z,charge density data return x,y,z,charge density data
行 193: 行 210:
   ChargeDensity:Description = "realspace charge density" ;   ChargeDensity:Description = "realspace charge density" ;
           ChargeDensity:unit = "-e/A^3" ;           ChargeDensity:unit = "-e/A^3" ;
 +=== get_charge_mixing ====
 get_charge_mixing(self) get_charge_mixing(self)
 return charge mixing parameters return charge mixing parameters
 +==== get_convergence ====
 get_convergence(self) get_convergence(self)
 return convergence settings for Dacapo return convergence settings for Dacapo
 +==== get_debug ====
 get_debug(self) get_debug(self)
 Return the python logging level Return the python logging level
 +==== get_decoupling ====
 get_decoupling(self) get_decoupling(self)
 return the electrostatic decoupling parameters return the electrostatic decoupling parameters
 +==== get_dipole ====
 get_dipole(self) get_dipole(self)
 return dictionary of parameters if the DipoleCorrection was used return dictionary of parameters if the DipoleCorrection was used
 +==== get_dipole_moment ====
 get_dipole_moment(self, atoms=None) get_dipole_moment(self, atoms=None)
 return dipole moment of unit cell return dipole moment of unit cell
行 237: 行 260:
 minimization algorithms minimization algorithms
 get_electronic_temperature = get_ft(self) get_electronic_temperature = get_ft(self)
 +==== get_electrostatic_potential ====
 get_electrostatic_potential(self, spin=0) get_electrostatic_potential(self, spin=0)
 get electrostatic potential get electrostatic potential
行 249: 行 273:
              Description = "realspace local effective potential" ;              Description = "realspace local effective potential" ;
              unit = "eV" ;              unit = "eV" ;
 +==== get_ensemble_coefficients ====
 get_ensemble_coefficients(self) get_ensemble_coefficients(self)
 returns exchange correlation ensemble coefficients returns exchange correlation ensemble coefficients
 +==== get_esp ====
 get_esp = get_electrostatic_potential(self, spin=0) get_esp = get_electrostatic_potential(self, spin=0)
 get_external_dipole(self) get_external_dipole(self)
 return the External dipole settings return the External dipole settings
 +==== get_extpot ====
 get_extpot(self) get_extpot(self)
 return the external potential set in teh calculator return the external potential set in teh calculator
 +==== get_extracharge ====
 get_extracharge(self) get_extracharge(self)
 Return the extra charge set in teh calculator Return the extra charge set in teh calculator
 +==== get_fermi_level ====
 get_fermi_level(self) get_fermi_level(self)
 return Fermi level return Fermi level
 +==== get_fftgrid ====
 get_fftgrid(self) get_fftgrid(self)
 return soft and hard fft grids return soft and hard fft grids
 +==== get_fixmagmom ====
 get_fixmagmom(self) get_fixmagmom(self)
 returns the value of FixedMagneticMoment returns the value of FixedMagneticMoment
 +==== get_forces  ====
 get_forces(self, atoms=None) get_forces(self, atoms=None)
 Calculate atomic forces Calculate atomic forces
 +==== get_ft ====
 get_ft(self) get_ft(self)
 return the FermiTemperature used in the calculation return the FermiTemperature used in the calculation
 +==== get_ibz_k_points ====
 get_ibz_k_points = get_ibz_kpoints(self) get_ibz_k_points = get_ibz_kpoints(self)
 +==== get_ibz_kpoints ====
 get_ibz_kpoints(self) get_ibz_kpoints(self)
 return list of kpoints in the irreducible brillouin zone return list of kpoints in the irreducible brillouin zone
 +==== get_k_point_weights ====
 get_k_point_weights(self) get_k_point_weights(self)
 return the weights on the IBZ kpoints return the weights on the IBZ kpoints
 +==== get_kpts ====
 get_kpts(self) get_kpts(self)
 return the BZ kpts return the BZ kpts
 +==== get_kpts_type ====
 get_kpts_type(self) get_kpts_type(self)
 return the kpt grid type return the kpt grid type
 +==== get_magnetic_moment ====
 get_magnetic_moment(self, atoms=None) get_magnetic_moment(self, atoms=None)
 calculates the magnetic moment (Bohr-magnetons) of the supercell calculates the magnetic moment (Bohr-magnetons) of the supercell
 +==== get_magnetic_moments ====
 get_magnetic_moments(self, atoms=None) get_magnetic_moments(self, atoms=None)
 return magnetic moments on each atom after the calculation is return magnetic moments on each atom after the calculation is
 run run
 +==== get_mdos ====
 get_mdos(self) get_mdos(self)
 return multicentered projected dos parameters return multicentered projected dos parameters
 +==== get_mdos_data====
 get_mdos_data(self, spin=0, cutoffradius='infinite') get_mdos_data(self, spin=0, cutoffradius='infinite')
 returns data from multicentered projection returns data from multicentered projection
行 297: 行 339:
 center on the atom# for label. I do not not know what the center on the atom# for label. I do not not know what the
 label refers to. label refers to.
 +==== get_nbands ====
 get_nbands(self) get_nbands(self)
 return the number of bands used in the calculation return the number of bands used in the calculation
行 498: 行 541:
   atoms   atoms
     ASE.Atoms instance     ASE.Atoms instance
 +==== set_calculate_stress ====
 set_calculate_stress(self, stress=True) set_calculate_stress(self, stress=True)
 Turn on stress calculation Turn on stress calculation
行 506: 行 550:
     set_calculate_stress(True) calculates stress     set_calculate_stress(True) calculates stress
     set_calculate_stress(False) do not calculate stress     set_calculate_stress(False) do not calculate stress
 +==== set_charge_mixing ====
 set_charge_mixing(self, method='Pulay', mixinghistory=10, mixingcoeff=0.1, precondition='No', updatecharge='Yes') set_charge_mixing(self, method='Pulay', mixinghistory=10, mixingcoeff=0.1, precondition='No', updatecharge='Yes')
 set density mixing method and parameters set density mixing method and parameters
行 546: 行 591:
        This setting is useful when evaluating the Harris-Foulkes        This setting is useful when evaluating the Harris-Foulkes
        density functional        density functional
 +==== set_convergence ====
 set_convergence(self, energy=1e-05, density=0.0001, occupation=0.001, maxsteps=None, maxtime=None) set_convergence(self, energy=1e-05, density=0.0001, occupation=0.001, maxsteps=None, maxtime=None)
 set convergence criteria for stopping the dacapo calculator. set convergence criteria for stopping the dacapo calculator.
行 567: 行 613:
 Autopilot not supported here. Autopilot not supported here.
 +==== set_debug ====
 set_debug(self, debug) set_debug(self, debug)
 set debug level for python logging set debug level for python logging
行 572: 行 619:
 debug should be an integer from 0-100 or one of the logging debug should be an integer from 0-100 or one of the logging
 constants like logging.DEBUG, logging.WARN, etc... constants like logging.DEBUG, logging.WARN, etc...
 +==== set_decoupling ====
 set_decoupling(self, ngaussians=3, ecutoff=100, gausswidth=0.35) set_decoupling(self, ngaussians=3, ecutoff=100, gausswidth=0.35)
 Decoupling activates the three dimensional electrostatic Decoupling activates the three dimensional electrostatic
行 592: 行 640:
     The width of the Gaussians defined by     The width of the Gaussians defined by
     $widthofgaussian*1.5^(n-1)$  $n$=(1 to numberofgaussians)     $widthofgaussian*1.5^(n-1)$  $n$=(1 to numberofgaussians)
 +==== set_dipole ====
 set_dipole(self, status=True, mixpar=0.2, initval=0.0, adddipfield=0.0, position=None) set_dipole(self, status=True, mixpar=0.2, initval=0.0, adddipfield=0.0, position=None)
 turn on and set dipole correction scheme turn on and set dipole correction scheme
行 632: 行 681:
 calling set_dipole() sets all default values. calling set_dipole() sets all default values.
 +==== set_dw ==== 
 set_dw(self, dw) set_dw(self, dw)
 set the density wave cutoff energy. set the density wave cutoff energy.
行 659: 行 709:
 Density_WaveCutoff can be chosen equal to PlaneWaveCutoff Density_WaveCutoff can be chosen equal to PlaneWaveCutoff
 (default). (default).
 +==== set_electronic_minimization ====
 set_electronic_minimization(self, method='eigsolve', diagsperband=2) set_electronic_minimization(self, method='eigsolve', diagsperband=2)
 set the eigensolver method set the eigensolver method
行 689: 行 740:
     ElectronicMinimization:Method = "resmin" and "eigsolve".     ElectronicMinimization:Method = "resmin" and "eigsolve".
     default value = 2     default value = 2
 +==== set_external_dipole ====
 set_external_dipole(self, value, position=None) set_external_dipole(self, value, position=None)
 Externally imposed dipole potential. This option overwrites Externally imposed dipole potential. This option overwrites
行 703: 行 755:
     vacuum position farthest from any other atoms on both     vacuum position farthest from any other atoms on both
     sides of the slab. Do not set to 0.0.     sides of the slab. Do not set to 0.0.
 +==== set_extpot ====
 set_extpot(self, potgrid) set_extpot(self, potgrid)
 add external potential of value add external potential of value
行 720: 行 773:
 before hand with: before hand with:
 calc.set_fftgrid((n1,n2,n3)) calc.set_fftgrid((n1,n2,n3))
 +==== set_extracharge ====
 set_extracharge(self, val) set_extracharge(self, val)
 add extra charge to unit cell add extra charge to unit cell
行 732: 行 786:
 constant backgound charge (jellium) to forge overall charge constant backgound charge (jellium) to forge overall charge
 neutrality. neutrality.
 +==== set_fftgrid  ====
 set_fftgrid(self, soft=None, hard=None) set_fftgrid(self, soft=None, hard=None)
 sets the dimensions of the FFT grid to be used sets the dimensions of the FFT grid to be used
行 764: 行 819:
 this is usually automatically set by Dacapo. this is usually automatically set by Dacapo.
 +==== set_fixmagmom  ====
 set_fixmagmom(self, fixmagmom=None) set_fixmagmom(self, fixmagmom=None)
 set a fixed magnetic moment for a spin polarized calculation set a fixed magnetic moment for a spin polarized calculation
行 771: 行 827:
   fixmagmom : float   fixmagmom : float
     the magnetic moment of the cell in Bohr magnetons     the magnetic moment of the cell in Bohr magnetons
 +==== set_ft  ====
 set_ft(self, ft) set_ft(self, ft)
 set the Fermi temperature for occupation smearing set the Fermi temperature for occupation smearing
行 786: 行 843:
 for d-metals and narrow gap semiconducters, higher for free for d-metals and narrow gap semiconducters, higher for free
 electron-like metals). electron-like metals).
 +==== set_kpts ====
 set_kpts(self, kpts) set_kpts(self, kpts)
 set the kpt grid. set the kpt grid.
行 869: 行 927:
 the number of bands is calculated as the number of bands is calculated as
 $nbands=nvalence*0.65 + 4$ $nbands=nvalence*0.65 + 4$
 +==== set_nc  ====
 === set_nc(self, nc='') === === set_nc(self, nc='') ===
行 886: 行 945:
 the text file will have the same basename as the ncfile, but the text file will have the same basename as the ncfile, but
 with a .txt extension. with a .txt extension.
 +==== set_ncoutput ====
 === set_ncoutput(self, wf=None, cd=None, efp=None, esp=None) === === set_ncoutput(self, wf=None, cd=None, efp=None, esp=None) ===
行 925: 行 985:
     {symbol1: path1,     {symbol1: path1,
      symbol2: path2}      symbol2: path2}
 +==== set_psp ====
 === set_psp(self, sym=None, z=None, psp=None) === === set_psp(self, sym=None, z=None, psp=None) ===
行 1071: 行 1133:
 you must define a self._set_keyword function that does all the you must define a self._set_keyword function that does all the
 actual writing. actual writing.
 ==== write_nc ==== ==== write_nc ====
info/dacapo.1524898710.txt.gz · 最終更新: 2022/08/23 13:34 (外部編集)

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