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seminar:plot_curvefit [2019/10/10 14:51] – [Curve Fit Inspector] kimiseminar:plot_curvefit [2022/08/23 13:34] (現在) – 外部編集
行 33: 行 33:
 $$ $$
-R.M.S.D. =\sqrt{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}\left\{y_i-f(x_i)\right\}}+R.M.S.D. =\sqrt{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}\left\{y_i-f(x_i)\right\}^2}
 $$ $$
 Chi²: Chi²:
行 57: 行 57:
 column in a previous row column in a previous row
 Examples: 284 1234~ 10.7~0.2 1-2.3 5*0.12 Examples: 284 1234~ 10.7~0.2 1-2.3 5*0.12
 +Plot functions which allow mathematical expressions supports the following functions:
 +|''+, -, *, /''| arithmetic operations|
 +%, mod modulo
 +( ) grouping
 +^, ** power
 +rad(x), deg(x) conversion between radians and degrees
 +sin(x),cos(x),tan(x) trigonometric functions
 +asin(x),acos(x),atan(x) inverse trigonometric functions
 +sinh(x),cosh(x),tanh(x) hyperbolic functions
 +rnd(h) random number (h = height)
 +ln(x),log(x) natural and logarithm to base 10
 +sqrt(x) square root
 +cbrt(x) cubic root
 +frac(x) returns the fraction of x
 +int(x) returns the integer of x
 +round(x;n) round up and down to the nth place on the right of the decimal point
 +gau(x;x0;a;w) Gauss (x0 = position, a = amplitude, w = width)
 +lor(x;x0;a;w) Lorentz (x0 = position, a = amplitude, w = width)
 +galo(x;x0;a;w;r) Gauss-Lorentz (x0 = position, a = amplitude, w = width, r =Gauss-Lorentz ratio (1.0=pure Gauss,0.0 = pure Lorentz))
 +tail(x;x0;a;w;r;t) Gauss-Lorentz with exponential Tail (x0 = position, a = amplitude, w = width, r = Gauss-Lorentz ratio(1.0=pure Gauss,0.0 = pure Lorentz)), t = tail exponent factor
 +j0(x), j1(x), jn(x;n) bessel functions
 +y0(x), y1(x), yn(x;n) bessel functions
 +pi 3.14159265359
 +e 2.71828182846
 +xval(b;i) x value of point i in buffer b
 +yval(b;i) y value of point i in buffer b
 +xerr(b;i) x error value of point i in buffer b
 +yerr(b;i) y error value of point i in buffer b
 +xnval(b;i) normalized x value (0.0-1.0) of point i in buffer b
 +ynval(b;i) normalized y value (0.0-1.0) of point i in buffer b
 +xnerr(b;i) normalized x error value (0.0-1.0) of point i in buffer b
 +ynerr(b;i) normalized y error value (0.0-1.0) of point i in buffer b
 +xvf(b) x value of the first point in buffer b
 +xvl(b) x value of the last point in buffer b
 +yvf(b) y value of the first point in buffer b
 +yvl(b) y value of the last point in buffer b
 +xmin(b) minimum x value in buffer b
 +xmax(b) maximum x value in buffer b
 +ymin(b) minimum y value in buffer b
 +ymax(b) maximum y value in buffer b
 +exmin(b) minimum x error value in buffer b
 +exmax(b) maximum x error value in buffer b
 +eymin(b) minimum y error value in buffer b
 +eymax(b) maximum y error value in buffer b
 +txmin minimum x value over all buffers
 +txmax maximum x value over all buffers
 +tymin minimum y value over all buffers
 +tymax maximum y value over all buffers
 +vxmin(b) minimum x value over all visible buffer
 +vxmax(b) maximum x value over all visible buffer
 +vymin(b) minimum y value over all visible buffer
 +vymax(b) maximum y value over all visible buffer
 +points(b) number of points in buffer b
 +xpoint(v;a) x screen coordinate of v (a can be 1 for the first or 2 for the second axis).
 +xvalue(v;a) x value of the screen coordinate v (a can be 1 for the first or 2 for the second axis).
 +ypoint(v;a) y screen coordinate of v (a can be 1 for the first or 2 for the second axis).
 +yvalue(v;a) y value of the screen coordinate v (a can be 1 for the first or 2 for the second axis).
 +findx(v;b) x value which depends to y in buffer b. If there are more than one it returns the first it found.
 +findy(v;b) y value which depends to x in buffer b. If there are more than one it returns the first it found.
 +fnx(v;b) normalized x value (0.0-1.0) which depends to y in buffer b. If there are more than one it returns the first it found.
 +fny(v;b) normalized y value (0.0-1.0) which depends to x in buffer b. If there are more than one it returns the first it found.
 ===== Special Functions ===== ===== Special Functions =====
seminar/plot_curvefit.txt · 最終更新: 2022/08/23 13:34 by

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