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seminar:jacapo_man [2019/05/21 17:35] – [Valid kwargs] kimiseminar:jacapo_man [2019/05/21 18:57] – [Jacapoマニュアル] kimi
行 1: 行 1:
 ====== Jacapoマニュアル ====== ====== Jacapoマニュアル ======
 Python interface to the Fortran DACAPO code Python interface to the Fortran DACAPO code
 ===== コンストラクタ ===== ===== コンストラクタ =====
 +Initialize the Jacapo calculator
 <code python> <code python>
-__init__(self, nc='', outnc=None, deletenc=False, debug=30, stay_alive=False, **kwargs) +__init__(self, nc = '', outnc = None, deletenc = False,  
-Initialize the Jacapo calculator+               debug = 30, stay_alive = False, **kwargs)
 </code> </code>
行 11: 行 13:
-^ nc | string | output netcdf file, or input file if nc already exists |+[[ase:nc|nc]] | string | output netcdf file, or input file if nc already exists |
 | outnc | string | output file. by default equal to nc | | outnc | string | output file. by default equal to nc |
 | deletenc | Boolean | determines whether the ncfile is deleted on initialization so a fresh run occurs. If True, the ncfile is deleted if it exists. | | deletenc | Boolean | determines whether the ncfile is deleted on initialization so a fresh run occurs. If True, the ncfile is deleted if it exists. |
行 29: 行 31:
 | fixmagmom | float | set the magnetic moment of the unit cell. only used in spin polarize calculations | fixmagmom | float | set the magnetic moment of the unit cell. only used in spin polarize calculations
 | ft | float | set the Fermi temperature used in occupation smearing | | ft | float | set the Fermi temperature used in occupation smearing |
-| xc | string | set the exchange-correlation functional. one of ['PZ', 'VWN', 'PW91', PBE', 'RPBE', 'revPBE'],+| xc | string | set the exchange-correlation functional. one of ['PZ', 'VWN', 'PW91', PBE', 'RPBE', 'revPBE'],|
 | dipole | boolean | turn the dipole correction on (True) or off (False) | | dipole | boolean | turn the dipole correction on (True) or off (False) |
 | | dictionary |  of parameters to fine-tune behavior {'status': False, 'mixpar': 0.2, 'initval': 0.0, 'adddipfield': 0.0, 'position': None} | | | dictionary |  of parameters to fine-tune behavior {'status': False, 'mixpar': 0.2, 'initval': 0.0, 'adddipfield': 0.0, 'position': None} |
行 35: 行 37:
 | symmetry | Boolean | Turn symmetry reduction on (True) or off (False) | | symmetry | Boolean | Turn symmetry reduction on (True) or off (False) |
 | stress | Boolean | Turn stress calculation on (True) or off (False) | | stress | Boolean | Turn stress calculation on (True) or off (False) |
 +==== 使用法 ====
 Modification of the nc file only occurs at calculate time if needed Modification of the nc file only occurs at calculate time if needed
seminar/jacapo_man.txt · 最終更新: 2022/08/23 13:34 by

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