get_nc(self) set_nc(self, nc='')
return the ncfile used for outputset_nc
set filename for the netcdf and text output for this calculationArguments | Type | Notes |
nc | string | filename for netcdf file |
if the ncfile attached to the calculator is changing, the old file will be copied to the new file if it doesn not exist so that all the calculator details are preserved. Otherwise, the
if the ncfile does not exist, it will get initialized.
the text file will have the same basename as the ncfile, but with a .txt extension.
get_ncoutput(self) set_ncoutput(self, wf=None, cd=None, efp=None, esp=None)
returns the control variables for the ncfileset_ncoutput
set the output of large variables in the netcdf output fileArguments | Type | Notes |
wf | string | controls output of wavefunction. values can be 'Yes' or 'No' |
cd | string | controls output of charge density. values can be 'Yes' or 'No' |
efp | string | controls output of effective potential. values can be 'Yes' or 'No' |
esp | string | controls output of electrostatic potential. values can be 'Yes' or 'No' |
get_stay_alive(self) set_stay_alive(self, value)
set_atoms(self, atoms) get_atoms(self)
get_atoms return the atoms attached to a calculator()
set_atoms attach an atoms to the calculator and update the ncfile
Arguments | Type | Notes |
atoms | ASE.Atoms instance |
get_pw(self) get_dw(self) set_pw(self, pw) set_dw(self, dw)
return the planewave cutoff usedget_dw
return the density wave cutoffset_pw
set the planewave cutoff.set_dw
set the density wave cutoff energy.Arguments | Type | Notes |
pw | integer | the planewave cutoff in eV |
dw | integer | the density wave cutoff |
checks to make sure the density wave cutoff is greater than or equal to the planewave cutoff.set_dw
checks to make sure it is not less than the planewave cutoff.Density_WaveCutoff describes the kinetic energy neccesary to represent a wavefunction associated with the total density, i.e. $\vec{G}$-vectors for which $|\vec{G}|^2< 4\times(Density WaveCutoff)$ will be used to describe the total density (including augmentation charge and partial core density). If Density_WaveCutoff is equal to PlaneWaveCutoff this implies that the total density is as soft as the wavefunctions described by the kinetic energy cutoff PlaneWaveCutoff. If a value of Density_WaveCutoff is specified (must be larger than or equal to PlaneWaveCutoff) the program will run using two grids, one for representing the wavefunction density (softgrid_dim) and one representing the total density (hardgrid_dim). If the density can be reprensented on the same grid as the wavefunction density Density_WaveCutoff can be chosen equal to PlaneWaveCutoff (default).
get_kpts(self) get_kpts_type(self) set_kpts(self, kpts)
return the BZ kptsget_kpts_type
return the kpt grid typeset_kpts
set the kpt grid.* cc6_1x1 * cc12_2x3 * cc18_sq3xsq3 * cc18_1x1 * cc54_sq3xsq3 * cc54_1x1 * cc162_sq3xsq3 * cc162_1x1
(n1,n2,n3) creates an n1 x n2 x n3 monkhorst-pack grid, [k1,k2,k3,…] creates a kpt-grid based on the kpoints defined in k1,k2,k3,…
There is also a possibility to have Dacapo (fortran) create the Kpoints in chadi-cohen or monkhorst-pack form. To do this you need to set the KpointSetup.gridtype attribute, and KpointSetup.
KpointSetup = [3,0,0] KpointSetup.gridtype = 'ChadiCohen'
KpointSetup(1) Chadi-Cohen k-point set 1 6 k-points 1×1 2 18-kpoints sqrt(3)*sqrt(3) 3 18-kpoints 1×1 4 54-kpoints sqrt(3)*sqrt(3) 5 54-kpoints 1×1 6 162-kpoints 1×1 7 12-kpoints 2×3 8 162-kpoints 3xsqrt 3
or KpointSetup = [4,4,4] KpointSetup.gridtype = 'MonkhorstPack' we do not use this functionality.
get_spinpol(self) Returns the spin polarization setting, either True or False
set_spinpol(self, spinpol=False) set Spin polarization.
spinpol : Boolean set_spinpol(True) spin-polarized. set_spinpol(False) no spin polarization, default
Specify whether to perform a spin polarized or unpolarized calculation.
get_fixmagmom(self) returns the value of FixedMagneticMoment set_fixmagmom(self, fixmagmom=None) set a fixed magnetic moment for a spin polarized calculation
fixmagmom : float the magnetic moment of the cell in Bohr magnetons
get_ft(self) set_ft(self, ft)
return the FermiTemperature used in the calculationset_ft
set the Fermi temperature for occupation smearingArguments | Type | Notes |
ft | float | Fermi temperature in kT (eV) |
Electronic temperature, corresponding to gaussian occupation statistics. Device used to stabilize the convergence towards the electronic ground state. Higher values stabilizes the convergence. Values in the range 0.1-1.0 eV are recommended, depending on the complexity of the Fermi surface (low values for d-metals and narrow gap semiconducters, higher for free electron-like metals).
get_xc(self) set_xc(self, xc)
returns the self-consistent exchange-correlation functional usedget_xc
returns a stringArguments | Type | Value | Notes |
xc | string | Must be one of 'PZ', 'VWN', 'PW91', 'PBE', 'revPBE', 'RPBE' | |
“PZ” | Perdew Zunger LDA-parametrization | ||
“VWN” | Vosko Wilk Nusair LDA-parametrization | ||
“PW91” | Perdew Wang 91 GGA-parametrization | ||
“PBE” | Perdew Burke Ernzerhof GGA-parametrization | ||
“revPBE” | revised PBE/1 GGA-parametrization | ||
“RPBE” | revised PBE/2 GGA-parametrization |
Selects which density functional to use for exchange-correlation when performing electronic minimization (the electronic energy is minimized with respect to this selected functional) Notice that the electronic energy is also evaluated non-selfconsistently by DACAPO for other exchange-correlation functionals Recognized options :
option “PZ” is not allowed for spin polarized calculation; use “VWN” instead.
get_dipole(self) set_dipole(self, status=True, mixpar=0.2, initval=0.0, adddipfield=0.0, position=None)
returns dictionary of parameters if the DipoleCorrection was usedset_dipole
turns on and set dipole correction schemeArguments | Type | Notes |
status | Boolean | True turns dipole on. False turns Dipole off. |
mixpar | float | Mixing Parameter for the the dipole correction field (1) |
initval | float | initial value to start at |
adddipfield | float | additional dipole field to add (units : V/ang) (2) |
position | float | scaled coordinates along third unit cell direction. (3) |
(1) Mixing Parameter for the the dipole correction field during the electronic minimization process. If instabilities occur during electronic minimization, this value may be decreased.
(2) External additive, constant electrostatic field along third unit cell vector, corresponding to an external dipole layer. The field discontinuity follows the position of the dynamical dipole correction, i.e. if DipoleCorrection:DipoleLayerPosition is set, the field discontinuity is at this value, otherwise it is at the vacuum position farthest from any other atoms on both sides of the slab.
(3) If this attribute is set, DACAPO will position the compensation dipole layer plane in at the provided value. If this attribute is not set, DACAPO will put the compensation dipole layer plane in the vacuum position farthest from any other atoms on both sides of the slab. Do not set this to 0.0
calling set_dipole() sets all default values.
get_dipole_moment(self, atoms=None)
returns dipole moment of unit cellget_number_of_bands = get_nbands(self) get_nbands(self) set_nbands(self, nbands=None)
returns the number of bands used in the calculationset_nbands
set the number of bands. a few unoccupied bands are recommended.Arguments | Type | Notes |
nbands | integer | the number of bands. |
if nbands = None the function returns with nothing done. At
calculate time, if there are still no bands, they will be set
the number of bands is calculated as
$nbands=nvalence*0.65 + 4$
get_symmetry(self) set_symmetry(self, val=False)
returns the type of symmetry usedset_symmetry
sets how symmetry is used to reduce k-pointsArguments | Type | Value | Notes |
val | Boolean | True | Maximum symmetry is used |
False | No symmetry is used |
This variable controls the if and how DACAPO should attempt using symmetry in the calculation. Imposing symmetry generally speeds up the calculation and reduces numerical noise to some extent. Symmetry should always be applied to the maximum extent, when ions are not moved. When relaxing ions, however, the symmetry of the equilibrium state may be lower than the initial state. Such an equilibrium state with lower symmetry is missed, if symmetry is imposed. Molecular dynamics-like algorithms for ionic propagation will generally not break the symmetry of the initial state, but some algorithms, like the BFGS may break the symmetry of the initial state. Recognized options:
i.e. the symmetry will be conserved during the calculation.
set_calculate_stress(self, stress=True) get_calculate_stress(self)
returns whether stress is calculated or not.set_calculate_stress
turns on stress calculation.Arguments | Type | Value | Note |
stress | boolean | True | calculates stress |
False | does not calculate stress |
get(self, *args) set(self, **kwargs)
gets values for args.set
sets a parameter.calc.get('nbands')