====== Jacapoマニュアル ====== Python interface to the Fortran DACAPO code [[seminar:jacapo_manj|日本語旧版]] ===== コンストラクタ ===== Initialize the Jacapo calculator __init__(self, nc = 'out.nc', outnc = None, deletenc = False, debug = 30, stay_alive = False, **kwargs) ==== Parameters ==== ^ [[ase:nc|nc]] | string | output netcdf file, or input file if nc already exists | | outnc | string | output file. by default equal to nc | | deletenc | Boolean | determines whether the ncfile is deleted on initialization so a fresh run occurs. If True, the ncfile is deleted if it exists. | | debug | integer| logging debug level.((debug level for logging could be something like logging.DEBUG or an integer 0-50. The higher the integer, the less information you see set debug level (0 = off, 10 = extreme))| | stay_alive | Boolean | | ^ kwargs | dictionary | various keywords | ==== Valid kwargs ==== | [[ase:atoms|atoms]] | ASE.Atoms instance | atoms is an ase.Atoms object that will be attached to this calculator.| ^ [[ase:cutoff |pw]] | integer | sets planewave cutoff | ^ [[[[ase:cutoff |dw]] | integer | sets density cutoff | ^ [[ase:kpts|kpts]] | iterable | set chadi-cohen, monkhorst-pack kpt grid, e.g. kpts = (2,2,1) or explicit list of kpts | | spinpol | Boolean | sets whether spin-polarization is used or not. | | fixmagmom | float | set the magnetic moment of the unit cell. only used in spin polarize calculations | [[ase:ft|ft]] | float | set the Fermi temperature used in occupation smearing | | [[ase:xc|xc]] | string | set the exchange-correlation functional. one of ['PZ', 'VWN', 'PW91', PBE', 'RPBE', 'revPBE'],| | dipole | boolean | turn the dipole correction on (True) or off (False) | | | dictionary | of parameters to fine-tune behavior {'status': False, 'mixpar': 0.2, 'initval': 0.0, 'adddipfield': 0.0, 'position': None} | ^ [[ase:nbands|nbands]] | integer | set the number of bands | | symmetry | Boolean | Turn symmetry reduction on (True) or off (False) | | stress | Boolean | Turn stress calculation on (True) or off (False) | ==== 使用法 ==== Modification of the nc file only occurs at calculate time if needed calc = Jacapo('CO.nc') reads the calculator from CO.nc if it exists or minimally initializes CO.nc with dimensions if it does not exist. calc = Jacapo('CO.nc', pw=300) reads the calculator from CO.nc or initializes it if it does not exist and changes the planewave cutoff energy to 300eV atoms = Jacapo.read_atoms('CO.nc') returns the atoms in the netcdffile CO.nc, with the calculator attached to it. atoms, calc = read('CO.nc') ===== クラスメソッド ===== ^ read_atoms(filename) | 既に存在しているnetcdfファイルからAtomsクラスとCalculatorクラスの情報を読み込む| ==== Parameters ==== | filename | 文字列 | 読み込むべきファイル名 | ==== example ==== atoms = Jacapo.read_atoms(ncfile) calc = atoms.get_calculator() 先輩の作ったncファイルを見つけたら読み込んでみよ。もしかしたら幸せになれるかもしれない。 ===== Functions ===== read(ncfile) : return atoms and calculator from ncfile ==== 使用例 ==== atoms, calc = read('co.nc')