====== 錫 ====== |[[psp:hydrogen|H]] | ||||||||||||||||He| |Li|Be| ||||||||||B |[[:psp:carbon|C]] |N |[[:psp:oxygen|O]] |F |//Ne//| |Na|Mg| ||||||||||Al|Si|P |S |Cl|//Ar//| |K |Ca|Sc|Ti|V |Cr|Mn|Fe|**[[:psp:cobalt|Co]]**|Ni|Cu|Zn|Ga|[[:psp:germanium|Ge]]|As|//Se//|//Br//|Kr| |//Rb//|Sr|Y |Zr|Nb|Mo|//Tc//|Ru|Rh|Pd|Ag|Cd|//In//|[[:psp:tin|Sn]]|Sb|Te|//I// |Xe| |Cs|Ba|La|//Hf//|Ta|W |Re|Os|Ir|Pt|Au|//Hg//|//Tl//|//Pb//|Bi|//Po//|//At//|//Rn//| ^ファイル名| | ^原子番号(総電子数)| | ^電子配置| | ^価電子数| | ^価電子配置| | ^エネルギー| | /usr/share/dacapo/psp/sn_us_f.pseudo ============================================================ | PSEUDOPOTENTIAL REPORT FOR ATOMIC SPECIES: 3 | | pseudo potential version 7 0 0 | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Au (US f-loc) Perdew Wang 1991 EXCHANGE-CORR | | Z(nuclear) = 50. Z(valence)( 3) = 14. | | Non linear core correction included: yes | | Core radius non lin core corr.(RPCOR) = 1.20000 a.u.| | ATOMIC ENERGY = -162.548324781 Ry | | Self consistent all electron atomic config: | | INDEX ORBITAL OCCUPATION ENERGY(Ry) | | 1 420 10.00 -1.901809566 | | 2 500 2.00 -0.780783535 | | 3 510 2.00 -0.274920131 | | Radii for conservation of augmentation charge moments: | | RINNER(a.u.) = 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 | | (see Phys Rev B 47 10142 (1993), Eq.28) | | NEW GENERATION SCHEME: | | Partial wave set used to generate projectors: | | Number of radial partial waves (NBETA) = 6 | | Number of radial gridpts per wave (KKBETA) = 721 | | Pseudiz. radius for the local pspot (RCLOC) = 2.40 a.u.| | Partial wave set for generating the pseudopot: | | IBETA L EPSILON(Ry) RCUT(a.u.) | | 1 0 -0.780781354 2.00 | | 2 0 -0.274919798 2.00 | | 3 1 -0.780781354 2.20 | | 4 1 -0.274919798 2.20 | | 5 2 -1.901809545 1.70 | | 6 2 0.000000000 1.70 | ============================================================ NCORE: 3 11.56554265660793 Number of different projectors : 38 Number of projectors : 1044 PSP: Valence-Z 14.0000 PSP: Core-alpha 189.0061