====== Tips and Chips ====== [[Not_Chip|「チップじゃないんだ、ティップなんだよ!」]] ===== General ===== * [[linux:clear_DNS_cache|DNSキャッシュのクリア]] * [[linux:ssh_keygen|SSHキーの削除]] * [[大文字小文字変換]] * ===== macOS ===== * 最新の[[chromedriver]]をインストールする * [[ログインスクリーン画像の在り処]] * [[iconファイルの在り処]] * [[Joplinデータの在り処]] * [[なんでlsできへんねん!]] * [[mathcalがmathscr]] ===== iOS ===== * [[iPhoneのパケット通信を禁止する]] ===== Linux ===== * [[linux:logind_conf|ノーパソサーバにして蓋したら寝ちゃったんですよ]] * [[linux:lsb_release|ubuntuのバージョン知りたいんですが]] * [[linux:etc_netplan|今時固定IPっすか]] * [[linux:hostnamectl|hostname後から変えたいんですが]] * [[linux:usage_of_systemctl|systemctlの使い方]] * [[MySQLシステムに新しいデータベース]] ===== Web contents ===== * [[jmolテスト]] ===== Error Handling ===== *Use_https:Security Token did not match. Possible CSRF attack. * httpsを使え! ===== From NetCDF to XYZ ===== // Mon, 09 Nov 2009 13:06:28 +0000 // #!/usr/bin/env python import os import tempfile from optparse import OptionParser from Dacapo import Dacapo from ASE.Trajectories.NetCDFTrajectory import NetCDFTrajectory from ASE.IO.xyz import WriteXYZ cmd = OptionParser(usage = '%prog [-r R1 R2 R3] input_nc_file output_xyz_file') cmd.add_option('-r', '--repeat', type = 'int', nargs = 3, help = 'Repeat R1, R2, R3 times along the three axes', metavar = 'R1 R2 R3') (opt, argv) = cmd.parse_args() if len(argv) != 2: cmd.print_help() raise SystemExit ncfile = argv[0] xyzfile = argv[1] try: model = Dacapo.ReadAtoms(ncfile, index = 1) trajectory = True except IndexError: trajectory = False if not trajectory: model = Dacapo.ReadAtoms(ncfile) WriteXYZ(xyzfile, atoms = model, repeat = opt.repeat, id = ncfile) else: model = Dacapo.ReadAtoms(ncfile, index = 0) model.SetCalculator(None) tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp() xyzpath = NetCDFTrajectory(tmpfile, model) xyzpath.Update() frame = 0 error = False while not error: frame += 1 try: atoms = Dacapo.ReadAtoms(ncfile, index = frame) model.SetCartesianPositions(atoms.GetCartesianPositions()) xyzpath.Update() except IndexError: error = True xyzpath.Close() xyzpath = NetCDFTrajectory(tmpfile) WriteXYZ(xyzfile, trajectory = xyzpath, repeat = opt.repeat, id = ncfile) os.remove(tmpfile) ===== From NetCDF to DOS ===== // Tue, 10 Nov 2009 13:51:22 +0000 // #!/usr/bin/env python from optparse import OptionParser from Dacapo import Dacapo from ASE.Utilities.DOS import DOS cmd = OptionParser(usage = '%prog [-r] input_nc_file output_text_file') cmd.add_option('-r', '--reverse', action = "store_true", default = False, help = 'reverse out put for minor spin states') (opt, argv) = cmd.parse_args() if len(argv) != 2: cmd.print_help() raise SystemExit ncfile = argv[0] textfile = argv[1] sfmt0 = '%-15s %-15s\n' sfmt1 = '%-15s %-15s %-15s %-15s\n' efmt0 = '%15.7E %15.7E\n' efmt1 = '%15.7E %15.7E %15.7E %15.7E\n' atoms = Dacapo.ReadAtoms(ncfile) calc = atoms.GetCalculator() isSpinPolarized = calc.GetSpinPolarized() dos = DOS(calc) x0 = dos.GetEnergies() if isSpinPolarized: y0 = dos.GetDOS(0) y1 = dos.GetDOS(1) fp = open(textfile, 'w') if opt.reverse: fp.write(sfmt1 % ('Energy', 'DOS0', 'DOS1', 'DIFF')) else: fp.write(sfmt1 % ('Energy', 'DOS0', 'DOS1', 'TOTAL')) for i in range(len(x0)): if opt.reverse: fp.write(efmt1 % (x0[i], y0[i], -y1[i], y0[i] - y1[i])) else: fp.write(efmt1 % (x0[i], y0[i], y1[i], y0[i] + y1[i])) fp.close() else: y0 = dos.GetDOS(0) fp = open(textfile, 'w') fp.write(sfmt0 % ('Energy', 'DOS')) for i in range(len(x0)): fp.write(efmt0 % (x0[i], y0[i])) fp.close() ===== From NetCDF to CUBE (1) ===== // Tue, 10 Nov 2009 13:55:13 +0000 // ==== Total density of states ==== #!/usr/bin/env python import string from math import log10 from optparse import OptionParser from Dacapo import Dacapo from ASE.IO.Cube import WriteCube cmd = OptionParser(usage = '%prog input_nc_file output_cube_file') (opt, argv) = cmd.parse_args() if len(argv) != 2: cmd.print_help() raise SystemExit ncfile = argv[0] cubefile = argv[1] basename = string.split(cubefile, '.cube') model = Dacapo.ReadAtoms(ncfile) calculator = model.GetCalculator() if not calculator.GetSpinPolarized(): filename_total= basename[0] + '.cube' else: filename_total= basename[0] + '_total.cube' filename_diff= basename[0] + '_diff.cube' filename_spin0= basename[0] + '_spin0.cube' filename_spin1= basename[0] + '_spin1.cube' density0 = calculator.GetDensityArray(spin = 0) density1 = calculator.GetDensityArray(spin = 1) WriteCube(model, density0, filename_spin0) WriteCube(model, density1, filename_spin1) diff = density1 - density0 WriteCube(model, diff, filename_diff) density = calculator.GetDensityArray() WriteCube(model, density, filename_total)