====== Class methods to get results ====== ===== Eigenvalues ===== get_all_eigenvalues(self, spin=0) return all the eigenvalues at all the kpoints for a spin. ==== Parameters ==== ^arguments^type^notes^ |spin |integer |which spin the eigenvalues are for| ===== Charge density ===== get_cd = get_charge_density(self, spin=0) get_charge_density(self, spin=0) return x,y,z,charge density data x,y,z are grids sampling the unit cell cd is the charge density data ==== netcdf documentation ==== ChargeDensity(number_of_spin, hardgrid_dim3, hardgrid_dim2, hardgrid_dim1) ChargeDensity:Description = "realspace charge density" ; ChargeDensity:unit = "-e/A^3" ; get_ef = get_fermi_level(self) get_fermi_level(self) return Fermi level get_effective_potential(self, spin=1) returns the realspace local effective potential for the spin. the units of the potential are eV :Parameters: spin : integer specify which spin you want, 0 or 1 get_eigenvalues(self, kpt=0, spin=0) return the eigenvalues for a kpt and spin :Parameters: kpt : integer index of the IBZ kpoint spin : integer which spin the eigenvalues are for get_electronic_temperature = get_ft(self) get_esp = get_electrostatic_potential(self, spin=0) get_electrostatic_potential(self, spin=0) get electrostatic potential Netcdf documentation:: double ElectrostaticPotential(number_of_spin, hardgrid_dim3, hardgrid_dim2, hardgrid_dim1) ; ElectrostaticPotential: Description = "realspace local effective potential" ; unit = "eV" ; ===== Exchange-correlation energy ===== get_xc_energies(self, *functional) Get energies for different functionals self-consistent and non-self-consistent. ==== Parameters ==== ^argument^type^notes^ |functional |strings |some set of 'PZ','VWN','PW91','PBE','revPBE', 'RPBE'| This function returns the self-consistent energy and/or energies associated with various functionals. The functionals are currently PZ,VWN,PW91,PBE,revPBE, RPBE. The different energies may be useful for calculating improved adsorption energies as in B. Hammer, L.B. Hansen and J.K. Norskov, Phys. Rev. **B 59**,7413. ==== Examples ==== get_xcenergies() #returns all the energies get_xcenergies('PBE') # returns the PBE total energy get_xcenergies('PW91','PBE','revPBE') # returns a list of energies in the order asked for