====== ACSIN-10 ======
[[http://www.grupoaran.com/acsin10/|第10回原子レベルで制御された表面・界面およびナノ構造に関する国際会議]]\\ 2009年9月21日(月)~25日(金)\\
10th [[http://www.grupoaran.com/acsin10/|International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures]],\\ September 21 - 25, 2009, Granada Conference Centre, Granada, Spain.
Wed-PS2-37 Continuous displacement model for 3x3-√3x√3 phase
transition of Sn adsorbed Ge (111) surface\\
Hiroko Kaji, Satoshi Yokoya, Yoichiro Yagi, Kiminori Kakitani
Wed-PS2-39 Tight binding model analyses of one-dimensional surface
states on Si(553)-Au surface\\
Kiminori Kakitani, Yoichiro Yagi, Hiroko Kaji
===== Conference venue =====
* [[http://www.pcgr.org|Granada Conference Centre]]((ウェブサイトがフラッシュのみなんて。アホ、いやバカだ。すくいようがない。何のためのサイトだか。何時になったらウェブと媒体広告とは根本的に違うということに強欲広告代理店と、ノータリン自称デザイナーと、バカジジイは気がつくのかねえ。)), \\ Palacio de Congresos de Granada, Paseo del Violón, Granada 18006, Spain.
===== Accommodation =====
* [[http://www.booking.com/hoteru/hotel/es/room-mate-leo.html|Room Mate Leo]], Mesones 15, 18001 Granada (Officially recommended)
* [[http://www.booking.com/|Hotel Don Paco]], Salitre, 53 Málaga, 29002
* [[http://www.booking.com/|Las Americas]], Cuarteles, 66 Málaga , 29002
===== ITINERARY =====
|9/20|08:00|LV Osaka(ITM) |NH2176 AR Tokyo(NRT) 09:10||
| |12:00|LV Tokyo(NRT) |AF275 AR Paris(CDG) 17:30 ||
| |20:50|LV Paris(CDG) |AF2930 AR Málaga(AGP) 23:25|Hotel Don Paco|
|9/21|09:30|LV Málaga |AR Granada 11:10 by ALSA bus ||
| |18:00|Registration |Conference Centre 19:30|Room Mate Leo|
|9/22|08:30|Conference |Conference Centre 19:30|Room Mate Leo|
|9/23|08:45|Conference |Conference Centre 19:30|Room Mate Leo|
|9/24|08:45|Conference |Conference Centre, Banquet|Room Mate Leo|
|9/25|08:45|Conference |Conference Centre 13:45|Stay at Granada|
|9/26|10:00|LV Granada |AR Málaga 11:30 by ALSA bus | Las Americas|
|9/27|09:55|LV Málaga(AGP)|AF2831 AR Paris(CDG) 12:25 ||
| |13:55|LV Paris(CDG) |AF292 FOR Osaka(KIX) |Stay in airplane|
|9/28|08:25|AR Osaka(KIX) | ||
===== ネットワーク =====
* 携帯電話
* MoviStarのPrepaid SIMを[[http://www.spainsim.com/|spainSIM.com]]で購入
* WiFi
* [[http://www.trustive.com/|Trustive]]
* [[http://www.boingo.com/|Boingo]]\\ LiverpoolではBT(British Telecomm)のプリペイドのサービスを利用したのだが、どっちが便利なんだろうか。Boingoだと日本でも使えるんだけど、既にYB mobilepointは無料で使えるようになってるのでご利益はなさそう。\\ → 結局決断できず。先送り。会場に有線・無線ともに自由に使えたので不自由はなし。
===== Important Dates =====
* February 2009: 2nd announcement and call for papers
* 24 April 2009: Deadline for abstract submission
* 25 May 2009: Notification of acceptance
* 15 July 2009: Early Registration Deadline
===== Proceedings =====
[[http://www.sssj.org/ejssnt/|e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology.]]
===== Scope =====
* Aromatic and biomimetic organic arrays
* Atomic and Molecular Manipulation
* Characterization and Instrumentation
* Electronic Transport
* Graphene
* Mechanics, Fracture and Nanostructures
* Nano-Biotechnology
* Nano-Electronics and Molecular-Based Devices
* Nano-Magnetism
* Nano-Photonics
* Nanoparticles and clusters
* Nanotubes and fullerenes
* Organic Thin Film Devices
* Oxides
* Reaction and Dynamics
* Scanning Probe Microscopy
* Self-assembly of functional molecules
* Surface/Interface Electronic Properties
* Surface/Interface Structural Properties
* Surface Microscopy
* Thin Film Growth and Application